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What aspects can influence the value of compensation for slip and fall accidents?

Bronx Personal Injury > Personal Injury  > What aspects can influence the value of compensation for slip and fall accidents?
What aspects can influence the value of compensation for slip and fall accidents?

In New York City, slip-and-fall accidents are often one of the most and while slip-and-fall accidents may seem minor in most cases, the reality is that they can cause serious injuries. Before these cases, having a personal injury accident lawyer is essential to receive compensation. In this article, we will tell you why.

According to figures from a report issued by the United States government, between 2005 and 2014, there were more than 896,000 cases of older people who visited the emergency room after having suffered injuries in fall accidents. Only in 2014, a total of 111,045 New Yorkers over the age of 65 received medical attention for a fall. 

As a victim of this type of accident, you deserve to receive compensation that allows you to cover each of the expenses caused by your injuries, but do you know what aspects influence the value of this benefit? Next, we will mention them to you. 

If you are in a slip-and-fall accident in New York, you have rights that we can defend. Contact us to receive all the legal assistance you need, until you achieve the highest compensation for your injuries. call today at 718-295-4000, or schedule your consultation to learn more about your case.

When can you claim compensation for slip and fall accidents?

One of the main doubts of the victims of slip and fall accidents in the city of New York is if they can receive compensation after the fact. It’s essential to remember that this is a benefit that applies to any case of slip and fall accidents, but the value of which may depend on different factors.

For this reason, regardless of the extent of the injuries you have suffered as a result of the accident, it is essential that you have the support of a team of accident lawyers who can guide you through the appropriate legal path to obtain all the benefits you deserve, without leaving any value outside that may apply to your case.

So, if you suffered a slip and fall accident, claim compensation immediately, always counting on the legal assistance of accident lawyers. 

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How much can slip and fall compensation be worth?

The value of compensation for slip and fall accidents may vary depending on various aspects, so it is essential always to be aware that each of those that may apply to the case is met, following what is dictated by law for these types of situations.

 Some of the aspects that can determine the value of slip and fall compensation include: 

The place where the event occurred

Compensation for accidents involving falls and slips may vary in value, depending on the place where the incident occurred. For example, if the event occurred in a private place, some expenses may be included in the benefit that could not be added if the event happened in a public place. An expense that applies to your case, depending on the place where the event occurred, an accident lawyer can help you determine the causes that led to the accident.

The causes that led to an accident

 In addition to the place where the accident occurred, it is also essential to take into account each of the causes that could have influenced the event to take place. In cases where the accident occurred due to the responsibility or carelessness of a person, either the owner or manager of a specific area, the compensation may be higher.

The magnitude of the injuries suffered

In cases where the injuries suffered by the victim are severe, the medical attention required may be much more expensive. The compensation the victim deserves is more significant since it must cover all the expenses the accident generates. 

In any case, it’s essential that, as a victim, you can always count on the legal support of a team of accident lawyers,  so you can ensure that you receive the total amount you deserve without injustices being committed in your case.

It may also interest you: 3 Benefits of Working with Personal Injury Attorneys for Slip and Fall Accidents

Need a personal injury lawyer? Find at Nonna Law the best

If you were the victim of a slip and fall accident case in New York City at Nonna Law, we could defend your rights.  With the help of our team of legal experts, you can have the opportunity to receive each of the benefits that you deserve by law without worrying about anything other than your well-being.

 Call us now at 718-295-4000, or schedule your consultation so we can attend to your case.  We have over 25 years of experience recovering billions for our clients.  We are the serious lawyers you need to bring justice for your injuries.


How is the value of compensation for slip and fall accidents calculated?

To calculate the value of compensation for slip and fall accidents, several factors are generally taken into account, such as the type of injury, the severity of it, the impact it has had on the person’s daily life, and the length of recovery time.

What are some of the factors that influence the value of a slip and fall compensation?

Some of the factors that influence the value of a slip and fall compensation include: the place where the event occurred, the degree of negligence of the property owner, the degree of fault of the victim, the extent of the injuries and damages, and the availability of evidence.

Can I receive compensation for slip and fall accidents in NY?

Yes, it is possible to receive compensation for slip and fall accidents in New York, as long as certain requirements are met. In this state, there is a law known as “liability for dangerous conditions” or “slip and fall law”, which establishes the responsibility of property owners to maintain a safe environment for visitors. To be entitled to compensation, two main conditions must generally be met: owner negligence and injuries and damages.

What is the average settlement for a slip and fall case?

There is no definitive answer to this question, as every case is different and depends on many factors. However, some sources suggest that the average settlement for a slip and fall case ranges from $15,000 to $45,000, with some cases reaching higher or lower amounts depending on the circumstances.

How long does it take to settle a slip and fall case?

The time it takes to settle a slip and fall case can vary depending on several factors, such as the complexity of the case, the cooperation of the parties involved, the availability of evidence, and the backlog of the court system. Some cases may be settled within a few months, while others may take years to reach a resolution.