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Who is responsible for dog bite medical bills

Bronx Personal Injury > Dog Bite  > Who is responsible for dog bite medical bills
Who is responsible for dog bite medical bills

We have all heard the famous phrase “a dog is a man’s best friend”. When you own a dog, these affectionate pets can become an important part of our lives. However, sometimes encounters with dogs can end in unfortunate situations, such as bites that cause injuries and require medical attention.

In most cases, when a dog bite occurs, an important and delicate question arises: who is responsible for covering the medical expenses associated with the victim’s injuries? Is it the victim’s responsibility to cover their own expenses or is it the responsibility of the pet owner?

In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about medical bills for dog bites, taking into account the legal aspects that come into play in these types of cases that can be extremely complex for both the victim and the pet owner.

Do you need legal advice in a dog bite case? At Nonna Shikh Law, we have professionals who are experts in these types of cases, ready to defend you and achieve your financial recovery as a victim. Call us now at 718-295-4000 or schedule a consultation so we can evaluate your case.


Also check out: Dog Bite Accidents: How To Get The Maximum Compensation For A Bite That Left You With Scars Or Sequelae


Who pays the medical bills in a dog bite case?

In a dog bite case in New York, the responsibility falls on the dog owner, who will be responsible for paying the victim’s medical bills, taking into account different factors and specific circumstances of the incident. In these cases, there are generally two main situations to consider:

  • Owner’s responsibility: In New York, the dog owner is usually responsible for the injuries caused by their pet. Under the state’s civil liability law, if a dog bites or attacks a person, the owner may be held responsible for the consequences and associated medical expenses.
  •  “One bite” rule: In New York, there is a rule known as the “one bite” or “prior knowledge” rule. This means that if the dog owner had prior knowledge or should have had knowledge that their dog had a history of aggression or had bitten someone before, then they can be held responsible for any subsequent bites. In this case, liability is based on the theory that the owner should have taken measures to prevent future incidents.

If you have been a victim of a dog bite in New York, it is recommended to seek immediate medical attention and then consult with a lawyer to protect your rights and obtain the compensation you deserve to cover medical expenses and other damages related to the incident. At Nonna Shikh Law, we are ready to help you, and we also speak Spanish!

What expenses can I recover as a victim of a dog bite in NY?

As a victim of a dog bite in New York, you have the right to seek recovery for various types of expenses and damages that you may have suffered as a result of the incident. Some of the expenses that you can try to recover as a victim include:

  • Medical expenses: This includes any costs related to medical care that you have received due to the bite, such as doctor visits, treatments, medications, surgeries, therapies, and hospitalization.
  • Future medical expenses: If it is anticipated that you will need ongoing or long-term medical treatment due to the bite injuries, you can also seek recovery for future expenses.
  • Lost wages: If the dog bite prevents you from working and earning income, you can seek compensation for lost wages both in the past and in the future if it is anticipated that your income will be affected long-term.
  • Pain and suffering: New York law allows victims of dog bites to seek compensation for the physical and emotional pain they have experienced due to the incident.
  • Property damage: If the dog bite caused damage to your belongings, such as clothing or other personal items, it may be possible to seek recovery for these costs.
  • Legal expenses: In some cases, legal expenses related to seeking compensation may be recoverable.

It is important to note that each case is unique and the expenses and damages that you can recover may vary depending on the specific circumstances of the incident. At Nonna Shikh Law, we ensure that our clients receive the full expenses they deserve through a fair legal process that meets their needs.

At Shikh Law, we defend your right to compensation. 

If you have been a victim of a dog bite in New York, it is essential to protect your rights and seek the compensation you deserve. Our experienced personal injury lawyers in NYC are dedicated to providing support and legal representation for personal injury cases, including dog bites. 

Call us now at 718-295-4000 or schedule a consultation. Our team is committed to fighting for justice on your behalf and helping you recover medical expenses, lost wages, and damages suffered.


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What happens when the dog owner refuses to pay?

When the dog owner refuses to pay medical bills or other expenses related to a dog bite, the situation can become complicated and frustrating for the victim. In such cases, the victim may have to consider the option of taking legal action against the dog owner to seek the compensation they deserve.

Can I file a lawsuit against the dog owner?

Yes, as a victim of a dog bite in New York, you have the right to file a lawsuit against the dog owner if you suffer injuries and medical expenses as a result of the incident. Filing a lawsuit can allow you to seek compensation for damages suffered, including medical expenses, lost wages, and emotional pain.

A lawyer specialized in personal injury and dog bite cases can be your best ally to guide and represent you in the legal process, ensuring that your rights are protected and that justice is served in your case.

What evidence is necessary in a dog bite case?

In a dog bite case, the necessary evidence may vary depending on the circumstances of the incident and local laws. However, some important evidence may include medical records documenting injuries, photographs or videos of wounds and the scene of the incident, testimony from eyewitnesses, reports of dangerous animals or previous incidents with the dog, medical bills, and any evidence that demonstrates the owner’s responsibility, such as photographs of the loose or unleashed dog. 

Our dog bite lawyers at Nonna Shikh Law can help you gather and properly present the necessary evidence to strengthen your case and seek the compensation you deserve. Call us now at 718-295-4000.